Deployment Dos and Don’ts

Do not be frightened, but in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience. —1 Peter 3:14-15

DO be professionally excellent.
DON’T compromise national security.

DO everything in the open and above board.
DO obey all laws, guidelines, and directives.
DON’T be secretive.

DO talk about God and your personal faith.
DON’T criticize or compare religions.

DO carry a personal Bible and devotional tools.
DO try to learn the local language.
DON’T distribute Bibles or evangelistic literature.

DO honor local customs and courtesies.
DON’T pretend to be of a different faith than you are.

DO exchange addresses/business cards for future correspondence.
DO use non-evangelistic music and videos as farewell and housewarming gifts/mementos for special friends.

DO direct seekers to locals for help, fellowship, and resources.
DON’T give Bibles to people who ask you for one.
DON’T lead seekers in prayer to receive Christ.
DON’T compromise the security of local believers and their fellowships.

DO facilitate the work of others with prayer, financial, material, and moral support.
DON’T be ignorant of the work that others are doing.

DO educate yourself about work in the area (like: Bible translation, gospel broadcasting, community development, and church growth).
DON’T directly participate in local Christian work.

DO behave in an upright and exemplary manner according to the local standards of morality.
DON’T flaunt Western freedoms in dress, entertainment, and girl-guy relationships.

DO pray openly and publicly.
DO pray with/for local people in the name of Jesus.

DO join with other deployed believers in praying for the local people and their social institutions.
DO have prayer support of friends and family back home for your ministry.
Don’t pray or work alone.

Download a PDF version of the Deployment Dos and Don’ts.

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